Before designate ways of outsourcing from Bangladesh, we should focus on the definition of Outsourcing. According to American Glossary, the word “outsourcing” means “outside resourcing.” From this concept, we can easily define outsourcing as the contracting out of a business process. Outsourcing is the process where many business firms or companies hire an employee to complete their business-related work or functions and pay enough money. Outsourcing can be both domestic and foreign contracting. Sometimes it is offshoring or near-shoring. But the business firms usually prefer to contract with distant countries employees because it reduces their certain cost. And it is a great motivation for the people of offshoring or distant country because they get many wages compared with their native countries’ jobs salary. Outsourcing or freelancing is beneficial for both business firms and the employee.
The popularity of Outsourcing from Bangladesh
Bangladeshi people are introduced to outsourcing or freelancing in the 21st century. And it gets much popularity within a short period of time. And now people of all ages, male and female, are paying much interest in it. Because in this sector, people are getting more success than any other jobs in our country. There has a great reason behind the popularity of outsourcing, and the reason is the difference in currency value between the foreign country and a developing country like Bangladesh. It not only gets popularity in our country but also spread rapidly in many countries in Asia. Foreign business companies are getting their work completed from us at a low cost, which is greater than any other local jobs’ salary in our country. Almost 2 lacs of Bangladeshi people are doing outsourcing jobs in a different marketplace. But only a few people are doing this job professionally, and only these people have a clear knowledge about outsourcing, and the others have very little knowledge about it.
Why does the government emphasizing much on outsourcing and encourage the youth to become freelancers?
Bangladesh is a developing country, as we know. And the main hindrance of the way to be a developed country is poverty. And we face poverty for the unemployment problem. The government has taken the project of “Education for all.” And the government is successful in this project by ensuring education for all people, especially rural people. But the job scope of this country is inferior. So, the government fails to provide jobs for all educated people. So, the unemployment problem is growing day by day. So, the government emphasizes outsourcing because it ensures job opportunities for educated people and the young generation. And to reduce unemployment problem job for all, it must be needed. As it is a great scope for getting a suitable job and beneficial for the national economy, the government has already taken many steps to introduce outsourcing to youth. To train the people to become freelancers, the government created many training institutes around the country. But the number of freelancers is greater in cities people than in the rural people of Bangladesh. So, the government created many training centers in the urban area. This is how the government created much scope for getting a job in the outsourcing marketplace and generate money. In the past, people got depressed for not getting a suitable job after completing their graduation. Now, even a student can also perform an outsourcing job if he has a good knowledge of outsourcing.
Nowadays, it’s getting much easier to find an outsourcing training center because you will see many training centers here and there around you. But it isn’t easy to find a good training center for all of them. Because many trainers don’t have enough knowledge about outsourcing, how can he teach others? And many dishonest people take advantage of the people’s curiosity about outsourcing and spread wrong thinking about it and cheat people. The government has boarded the way of learning outsourcing to work outsourcing jobs. So, it depends on you to choose a good institute to learn about it. Otherwise, you won’t get success in it.
Why are people, especially youth, paying much interest in it?
People of all ages can do this outsourcing job, but it is best suited for youth. As there is no fixed time to do freelancing, a student can easily do this job besides his education and generate money. There is no fixed time but we have a specific time for completing the work. Doing this job also increases his/her confidence that they can do any job professionally. There are two types of outsourcing jobs: part-time and full-time. You can choose any job according to your available time. It is a greatly beneficial job for all students because they can do this without hampering their study.
Outsourcing creates a great opportunity for women.
Every skilled person can do this job and generate money, so it is beneficial for women because it is home-based work. Suppose a student wants to do this, then there is nothing to worry about because she can easily do this work without hampering her study. And outsourcing jobs provide a great benefit to all that anyone can choose his working hour according to their willing time or free time. And this benefit is the most beneficial for homemakers because they can do the work in their free time.
Though Bangladesh is developing day by day and the government created many job opportunities for women. Still, at present, it becomes very unsafe for women to work outside the home. And safety security for women is also feeble. So, many women who have the ability to do a good job don’t work outside of the home because of the safety fear. So, outsourcing jobs are best suited for those women who are already skilled.
How to become a successful and much-skilled freelancer or outsourced?
For achieving success in any sector, one must need a strong willing power and hard work. Success in outsourcing is not apart from it. If a person wants to gain success from outsourcing, then he/she must work hard and practice it more. We all are very familiar with this proverb that “practice makes a man perfect.” Without practice, the hope for success is a totally foolish matter. If you want to earn from outsourcing jobs and improve your skill, you must practice it with passion. If you don’t have the willing power to practice more or work hard, you will face failure in this sector, or you will face many problems in the time of completing or doing work, or even you will not get the job because of your weak skill. So, everyone must work hard or practice it with passion if he/she wants to freelance and succeed. Working hard or practicing more doesn’t mean you have to practice all day long. It means you have to practice it every day for a certain period of time. And if you are ready to practice it every day, then there will be no obstacle in the way of success. So, the only way to become a successful and skilled freelancer is by practicing it every day for a certain period of time.
How to choose suitable work or a job from a different marketplace?
There are many kinds of outsourcing jobs in different marketplaces. Choosing a job is totally up to you. You can choose a job which you are good at or a job that gives you pleasure while doing it. If you don’t enjoy working, this will never meet with success because a person can only achieve success when he/she works with passion, full interest, and enjoys the moment of working. There are many types of jobs in the marketplace, such as as-.
- Web design and development
- Data entry
- Graphics design
- SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
- Google AdSense
- Article or content writing.
- CPA Marketing
You can also earn money from your photo and video by doing SMM (Social Media Marketing). And at present, the most popular work is Amazon Affiliate Marketing, from which you can earn money by selling products from your website. When you can sell an Amazon product from your site, you will get the commission. From all these job categories, you can choose the job which you prefer most.
And now a question will come to your mind that “from where I will get the job or which marketplace is good?”. So now I am going to tell you about some popular outsourcing marketplaces. These are-
- Upwork
- Freelancer
- 99designs
- People Per Hour
- Fiverr
- Micro Workers
- Guru
- GraphicRiver
- ThemeForest
But the most important thing is- for applying in any job category you need a good skill at that subject and a confidence for doing that job otherwise you will fail to complete the job or task. So, the main thing is- if you are skilled or have enough knowledge about a specific subject of outsourcing then you will surely earn huge amounts of money.
As I told you before, the scope for learning about outsourcing is huge. And the government also encourages the youth to do outsource jobs. So, you may see many public and private outsourcing training centers or institutes. And so, the possibility of choosing the wrong training center is huge. So, before choosing any training center, one must be very careful. And many people are spreading the wrong concept about freelancing by saying that one can earn huge amounts of money just when they started the course. You can indeed earn huge amounts of money from outsourcing jobs, but you should practice more to build up your skill before. It’s quite tough to get a job in the outsourcing marketplace and everywhere without good skill. As much as you practice, as soon as you can achieve more. And the most significant matter about freelancing job is- the job of outsourcing marketplace is not so tough; anyone can do this if he/she has strong willing power.
The ways or scope of learning to outsource is increasing rapidly. So, if you want to earn money by doing a job at home, then freelancing is the best option for you. Old or young, male or female, everyone is outsourcing jobs because of this sector’s popularity and success.
Bangladesh is a natural beauty and traditional country with a greater possibility of development, but one of the most negative factors coming into its development is unemployment. Unemployment is the curse; if it’s destroying the talented and creative people of our country. We need a way to overcome this problem, and outsourcing from Bangladesh could be the best possible solution.

Outsourcing is an easy way to earn money sitting at home, and it is an open-source of employment. As we don’t have so many job opportunities, we can take outsourcing as a profession even after completing our graduation. It doesn’t mean that only younger people are eligible for outsourcing; people of all ages, from young to old, can take outsourcing as an occupation.
One must know the essential things about outsourcing before starting it. Basic computer knowledge, an Internet connection, and web browsing experience are the primary requirements for outsourcing. These are not enough for starting outsourcing; there is some other essential information that one must know. To know this information one can, take help of different training center.
There are many outsourcing training centers in Bangladesh, and anyone can get training from there. In fact, one will get the best outsourcing training center in Dhaka, Bangladesh. To find out the best SEO training center in Dhaka, one can get training in Advance IT Center and know about the best training center. One of the best training centers in Dhaka because it has all the materials needed for outsourcing. It provides lifetime support to their students related to their course, and one can get 24 hours of online help from this center.
It also teaches its students from opening accounts at different outsourcing companies and contributes to getting a job, and it also provides jobs during the training period. Moreover, it helps you get the master card in your name, which is the most critical part of outsourcing.
Unlike outsourcing companies like,,, offer many jobs, and before starting applying for jobs, one should know about the jobs. From an online earning training center, one can learn how to do these jobs. Online earning training in Dhaka, Bangladesh, is getting a current and good response from people. From an online training center, one can learn web designing, web developing, SEO, and different work types, which are very demandable jobs in outsourcing companies. These training courses help people to take outsourcing as a profession and earn more & more money. The trainers in ADVANCE, IT CENTER, provides you the best opportunity to get a more Upwork job. Some difficulties exist in the online outsourcing Sector. Internet Marketers and Honorable government is also doing great on solving the Biggest Problems with Outsourcing.
To be free, one can do outsourcing jobs, and day by day, this situation is becoming popular with people. The outsourcing process can enhance the employment source and reduce the poverty line to a minimum level. Outsourcing opens the door of great opportunity and possibility and helps people get over the curse of unemployment. This job is secure, and anyone can do it. If people take outsourcing seriously, it could be a significant sector of employment.
Limitations in Outsourcing
Outsourcing is not a single phenomenon. It is used as a multidimensional concept and includes online outsourcing. Online outsourcing is a form of internet-based outsourcing. Outsourcing is when all the work, tasks, and projects transfer to a third party. However, in Bangladesh, it has some limitations in conducting the activities independently. This industry is rising day by day, but proper infrastructure development is not being implemented to boost this sector. Despite various limitations, it is a pleasure that our present government has taken different initiatives to patronize the industry as a vital foreign currency earning sector like the garments sector. In the last decade’s ready-made garments were the highest foreign currency earning sector in Bangladesh. But due to some incidents, this sector is facing a downturn problem, and internationally, it’s claimed as a problematic sector right now. However, outsourcing is considered the rising sector, and IT experts also said this sector’s prospect. Regarding this concept, different projects are being conducted in rural to urban areas to reduce the infrastructure limitations of ICT (Information and Communication Technology).
Outsourcing has various options, such as IT outsourcing, marketing outsourcing, service outsourcing, financial outsourcing, etc. Among all of this outsourcing, IT outsourcing has been mostly spread in Bangladesh, and it has a wider market of earning foreign currency. Presently, freelancing becomes a new dimension of a source of earning in Bangladesh from rural areas to urban areas.
Bangladesh is a small country and also has infrastructure limitations in various sectors. However, besides this limitation, it has also reached a stage of achievement gradually. The freelance sector is also facing severe infrastructure problems, but it is a pleasure that our IT freelancers have been acclaimed internationally for the last few years beyond all hurdles and problems. It is a positive insight into the outsourcing market as a rising sector.
Some specific regions, like Asia, India, and China, are dominating the Freelancing market. Besides these two countries, SriLankan and the Philippines also have a vital role in the market, and Bangladesh is also doing well but not at the level of international expectations. To cope with the international market, it needs extraordinary job skills and educational enhancement to make them an international competitor. But to Bangladeshi freelancers, that level of extraordinary job skills and educational enhancement is less exhibited, so that our outsourcing industry is still in a latent and immature stage. When any industry takes place to enrichment in an expected level, government and other private sector companies should make an influential role to raise the industry so that child industry can easily establish their business as the level of mature industry for international competition. In Bangladesh, IT outsourcing is a fast-growing industry; it should be proper nurturing and patronizing. But still, this industry is in an immature stage to compete with the international market. However, this scenario is being promoted in our country at a standardization level due to skilled freelancers and the government’s combined steps.
Although this sector is prospective in Bangladesh instead of different obligations and limitations, lack of skilled workforce, and IT experts, foreign buyers are not interested in our IT freelancers. Because our freelancers always seek profits, sometimes they do not maintain the work’s quality. Time overdue is the usual scenario in our outsourcing market. Still, foreign buyers are not accustomed to this type of etiquette so foreign buyers search for other markets and freelancers who are professional in doing their job and have the highest level of professionalism. An international buyer wants their work to be completed at a high level of professional etiquette, and freelancers will honor their own responsibility. The freelancers who maintain a favorable relationship with their buyers have never faced a job crisis or other related problems.
Nowadays the IT outsourcing market is competitive and skillful. Without an international level of IT knowledge and education, it’s impossible to cope with the market. If freelancers do not regularly upgrade their own knowledge as competitors of an international market, they will gradually take them away from the market. It is a matter of regret that our freelancers are not upgrading themselves to the international market level. A few freelancers who maintained their quality and expected working manners are doing well and achieving prominence with the international outsourcing company and dominating our native market. But these numbers of freelancers are very few.
Among all limitations, some indicators are mainly responsible for creating this scenario, such as lack of proper educational background, lack of job-related skills, lack of proper guidelines, lack of high-speed internet facilities, and weakness in English communication. Our neighboring country India is a trusted market because of the skilled freelancers. They also have high-speed internet facilities and are fluent in English, so foreign buyers are interested in hiring the Indian freelancer. If we have a strong educational background, proper guidelines, high-speed internet facilities, English communication skills, and a creative mind of IT learning, success is inevitable. Still, it is the reality that for being an expert IT freelancer, a huge number of educated and talented people are coming to build up their career in IT freelancing; in the middle of the learning, they are switching to their own academic background related job or government job as a permanent profession, and as a result, they are not continuing their freelancing profession because of professional business.
When one person makes their mind into two components, cent percent accuracy does not come from him. So, our outsourcing market is a two-minded phenomenon, some talented people are coming to rising the sector, but most of them are not staying for good; others who are doing freelancing are not skilled in the expected level of IT knowledge as a result after a certain period they are going through a job crisis and facing different job-related problems that are hampering the outsourcing market.
In Bangladesh, all problems and limitations relating to outsourcing, internet speed is a vital problem. To continue the outsourcing work and maintain regular communication with international buyers, the availability of the internet is highly needed, but our internet speed is unexpectedly slow and expensive. However, we should keep in mind that the prerequisite of outsourcing is the flexibility of the internet connection and charges of the internet. As a vision of digital Bangladesh, our government has taken different initiatives to ensure fair price connectivity of the internet.
It has already been declared that by 2021, internet connectivity will be reached at all corners of the country. In rural areas, schools and other educational institutions will be in the coverage of free access to the internet so that future generations can easily habituate with international information technology. To promote the ICT (Information and Communication Technology), the government A2I project and Hi-Tech Park Project are conducting various training and workshops from rural areas to urban areas to skill enhancement of the educated young. Besides, Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) has taken a graduate skill enhancement project named Leveraging ICT Project, its goal to train up the graduates to the international category and after completing the training period they will be recruited in different IT firm and who wants to be an IT entrepreneur, the government will provide them long to establish their IT business.
Besides government initiatives relating to promoting the IT freelance and outsourcing market, some private training institutions and organizations conduct various training sessions and live IT projects that help the freelancer learn the outsourcing market’s reality. Depending on various outsourcing training in Bangladesh, freelancers are skilled and confident in completing the buyer’s assigned job and spontaneously fulfilling the job criteria. Among all outsourcing training institutes in Bangladesh, Advance IT Institute plays a vital role in patronizing the IT freelancer and arranging various outsourcing training for coping with the international IT outsourcing market. IT freelancers make them skilled in the marketplace, fluent in doing their respective job.
So, it is clear that despite various limitations, our government and related authorities are trying to promote the ICT sector, which is congenial to IT outsourcing. If IT knowledge spreads across the country, educated and talented young will build a career in the outsourcing market. They will boost the market to the expected level because they will take it as a challenge in their life. We know when knowledge, skill, creativity, and the proper working environment exist in a sector; this sector’s revolution is inevitable. Our outsourcing sector will reach this level very soon with the cooperation of respective authorities. As a conscious citizen, along with the government, we should have a learning mind and a proper way of thinking about IT that helps to go ahead of our country beyond IT outsourcing limitations.
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